The FDA held their long awaited public hearing on Friday May 31st at their headquarters in White Oak Maryland. The event was sold out with every chair in the room taken and standing room only attendance. Over 100 people spoke their minds on what was billed as a public meeting to determine
This article first appeared on MadebyHemp. Every field of interest comes with its own terminology. In the world of CBD, it can seem like there are many terms that are being thrown out there, such as CBD oil, hemp oil, THC oil, cannabis oil, and marijuana oil. With the vast amount of information being […]
By Keith Butler, LifePatent Founder & Lead Hemp Researcher Only a handful of Cannabis’ 100+ chemical compounds known as cannabinoids have been isolated, scientifically tested, or tapped for their potential healing properties. CBDA (Cannabidiolic Acid), a less widely known cannabinoid than its more familiar CBD or THC counterparts, is often referred to as another
Perhaps not quite yet a household name, but well on its way to becoming an accepted remedy within the health and wellness industry, CBD (technically known as cannabidiol) is a natural chemical compound found in the family of plants known more technically as Cannabaceae, or cannabis. Hemp, that sub-species of cannabis distinct from its more […]
As an avid listener of Howard Stern I can recall numerous times when Howard said he doesn’t smoke pot because “it makes him paranoid”. It’s time to delve into this claim to better understand whether it’s the chicken or the egg that makes Howard so Paranoid. Having traveled the world visiting many exotic drug cultures […]